Cupcakes and Conversations / Pastelitos y Pláticas

OCEAA’s parent group would like to invite you to a meet and greet on Saturday, August 27th at 6:00pm in the Garden Grill. It will be an exciting evening of meeting other OCEAA parents as well as an opportunity to become involved in fun FSO programs for the 2016-2017 school year! El grupo de padres de OCEAA (FSO) les […]

Vote for / Votar por ¡OCEAA! 2016 ParentingOC “Readers Choice Awards” Voting It’s on again! Please vote for OCEAA and share! Please note: You MUST fill out at least 80% of the surveys to count. Education is on Page 3 of Part 2 and OCEAA is a Write-In vote (Best Charter School). Last day to vote ~ July 15th, 2016 […]

8th Grade Graduation Pictures / Fotos de Promoción de 8vo grado

You have a bright future ahead of you and we know you will do OCEAA proud. Be brave, stand tall and remember…ORCAS RULE! We are so proud of you all! Click the link below for pictures… Tienen un futuro brillante por delante y sabemos que van a hacer a OCEAA muy orgullosos. Sean valientes, con […]