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Volunteers wanted - se buscan voluntarios

Volunteers Wanted | Se Buscan Voluntaries

Volunteers Wanted We have two amazing volunteer opportunities coming up! Please sign up using the links below. Coco the Musical🗓 2/24/2024⏰ 9:00AM – 2:00PM SIGN-UP HERE ➡️ or send us a message. Ritmos Del Mundo 2024🗓 4/20/2024⏰ 9:00AM – 2:00PM SIGN-UP HERE ➡️ or send us a message. 💜  ¡Se necesitan voluntarios! ¡Tenemos dos increíbles […]

Volunteers needed for registration | Se buscan voluntarios para registro

Back to School Registration Volunteer Form Volunteers are needed to assist us with onsite Back to School Registration! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the OCEAA community and your help is very much appreciated. Available dates are Tuesday, July 26th and Wednesday, July 27th, 2022. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided […]

OCEAA School Bulletin | Boletin escolar de OCEAA

School Bulletin | Boletin Escolar

¿Te perdiste alguna charla? Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver una repetición en YouTube: Charla con café – 24 de marzo de 2022 Próximos Eventos La junta ha aprobado el calendario académico de 22-23. Será distribuido la semana entrante por medio de ParentSquare. 26 de abril – Reunión de padres del campamento de ciencias al aire […]

Note from Executive Director, Mr. Limon -

OCEAA’s Commitment to Anti-Racism |  El Compromiso de OCEAA en la lucha contra el racismo

April 21, 2022  Dear OCEAA Community,  OCEAA is proud to be educating the next generation of multicultural, bilingual leaders. OCEAA reaffirms our commitment to providing our students the opportunities and necessary supports to realize all three dimensions of student achievement: 1) mastery of knowledge and skills, 2) character, and 3) high-quality student work, in service […]