We have a lot of delicious meals planned for this month! Bookmark this school lunch menu page for easy reference. Breakfast and Lunch Menu

We have a lot of delicious meals planned for this month! Bookmark this school lunch menu page for easy reference. Breakfast and Lunch Menu
💥 Volunteers needed! 💥 Our fireworks stand is our biggest fundraiser of the year – and we need your help! ⤵️ Join us next month and sign up for a shift to work at the OCEAA Fireworks stand 🗓 July 1-4th ⏰ 9AM-9PM 📍On the Corner of 17th and Main (across from NORMS Restaurant) SIGN-UP […]
Our board-approved academic calendar is live! Click HERE or bookmark this page for future reference. ¡Nuestro calendario académico aprobado por la junta de la mesa directiva está en vivo! Haga clic AQUÍ o marque esta página para referencia futura.
Back to School Registration Volunteer Form Volunteers are needed to assist us with onsite Back to School Registration! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the OCEAA community and your help is very much appreciated. Available dates are Tuesday, July 26th and Wednesday, July 27th, 2022. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided […]
April 21, 2022 Dear OCEAA Community, OCEAA is proud to be educating the next generation of multicultural, bilingual leaders. OCEAA reaffirms our commitment to providing our students the opportunities and necessary supports to realize all three dimensions of student achievement: 1) mastery of knowledge and skills, 2) character, and 3) high-quality student work, in service […]
¡El Día de Campo de OCEAA está aquí! viernes, 22 de abril de 2022 ¡El Field Day es una celebración para fomentar la actividad física y el bienestar! El día de campo se llevará a cabo en el estacionamiento de OCSA el viernes 22 de abril de 2022 de 8:30 am a 2:30 pm. Cada nivel […]
April 11, 2022 Dear OCEAA Families, We trust that you and your child(ren) had a restful and safe Spring break. This letter is to provide you with some exciting updates on the continued counseling services! As you may recall, Mrs. Dempsey, OCEAA’s previous school counselor, had her last day at OCEAA on April 1st. The […]
Dear Parents, Parent involvement is a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) State priority. The California School Parent Survey (CSPS) is a short survey that provides a means to anonymously obtain: parent perceptions about the school’s learning environment; school climate; student supports; and parent outreach and involvement efforts (e.g., how welcoming, communicative). It also provides […]
10 de marzo de 2022Estimados padres de OCEAA: Me gustaría comenzar agradeciéndoles su colaboración con el equipo de OCEAA mientras seguimos adaptándonos y perseverando a través de la pandemia de Covid-19. Nuestro enfoque ha sido, y continúa siendo, colaborativo al asociarnos con usted mientras tomamos decisiones para adaptar los mandatos y procedimientos del Departamento de […]
Ritmos del Mundo is a presentation in which OCEAA students from 4th and 5th grades will be performing songs and dances from around the world. Event will be held on Saturday, April 16th from 2pm-4pm (doors open at 1:30pm) at the Bill Medley Auditorium, 520 W Walnut St, Santa Ana, CA. Buy tickets online or […]