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8th Grade Graduation Pictures / Fotos de Promoción de 8vo grado

You have a bright future ahead of you and we know you will do OCEAA proud. Be brave, stand tall and remember…ORCAS RULE! We are so proud of you all! Click the link below for pictures… Tienen un futuro brillante por delante y sabemos que van a hacer a OCEAA muy orgullosos. Sean valientes, con […]

ORCA-tunity Drawing / Sorteo de ORCA-tunidad

Congratulations to the winners of our ORCA-tunity Drawing! Names were drawn at our final school assembly (6/15/2016) and winners have been notified. Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraiser! Winners: 1st Prize (Big Screen TV): Claudia Gaytan 2nd Prize (iPad): Manuel Ruvalcaba Student Top Sellers: 1st Prize (iPod): Tiffany V. 2sd Prize (Speakers): Vania […]

Thank You Volunteers! / ¡Gracias voluntarios!

Thank you Volunteers! OCEAA would not be the awesome school it is today without our amazing volunteers! Thank you so much for all you do to make our school a more caring and nurturing environment for our students and staff! ¡Gracias voluntarios! ¡OCEAA no seria la maravillosa escuela que es hoy sin nuestros increíbles voluntarios! […]