News | Noticias

Back to School Registration Event Canceled | Evento de inscripción de regreso a la escuela cancelado

Back to School Registration Event Canceled  Thank you to all the families who have completed their Back to School Registrations! In light of the Governor’s order last week indicating that schools are safe to reopen after their respective county is no longer on the State’s County Data Monitoring list for 14 consecutive days and today, Orange […]

Virtual Jog-a-thon Warm-up videos

Virtual Jog-a-thon: Day 1 warm-up and cool down with Ms. Collins Virtual Jog-a-thon: Day 2 warm-up with Mtra. Rivera and Mr. Godinez Virtual Jog-a-thon: Day 3 warm-up with Ms. Bennett Gee Virtual Jog-a-thon: Day 4 warm-up and cool down with Ms. Vicario 0:02 / 3:14 Virtual Jog-a-thon: Day 5 warm-up with Ms. Galeana

OCEAA celebrates Better World Day

OCEAA is participating in Better World Day 2020 by creating videos, art, sidewalk chalk creations, cards, and more, for community members who are demonstrating courage and kindness by helping others in this difficult time. OCEAA participa en el Día Mundial Mejor 2020 creando videos, arte, creaciones de tiza en el piso, tarjetas y más, para […]

Lunes Felices at OCEAA

WATCH: Lunes Felices videos

OCEAA Students: We miss you tremendously! Even though we can’t be together in person, let’s have fun on Zoom by starting Lunes Felices. Every Lunes Feliz we will have a different theme! Watch the videos below to see what theme we have this Monday! Familia de OCEAA: ¡Los extrañamos tremendamente! ¡Aunque no podamos estar juntos […]

resources for students at OCEAA

Virtual classes | Clases virtuales

Dear OCEAA families: We are excited to invite you to embark upon the adventure of virtual class meetings with us! If you plan to join the virtual class meetings using a tablet or a phone, please download the ZOOM CloudMeetings app from your app store: Apple App Store: Google Play store: and watch […]